Hamamatsu L6001-01, L6599-01, L6299-12 Fragile!

Before sending your Hamamatsu lamp house to GetSpares.com. Although, most arrive in great, re-buildable condition, great care must be taken so that the sensitive elliptical (also known as parabolic or ellipsoidal) mirror is not destroyed while in shipping.  This applies to all Hamamatsu light sources with these spherical reflectors such as L6001-01, L6599-01 and L6299-12.

Cracked Hamamatsu Mirror. So Sad!

Cracked Hamamatsu Mirror. So Sad!

Some guidelines for shipping Hamamatsu Lamp Houses:

  • Pack one per box for obvious reasons, you don’t want problems from lost or stolen packages to be magnified.  Replacement of these boxes is approximately $20,000 from the manufacturer and is not easy.
  • Use lots of protective packing.   Assume the box will be abused.
  • If the alignment posts on the mirror are already cracked or “thinned” from years of use, call GetSpares.com.  There are special instructions because standard shipping will very likely cause the remaining posts to crack and wreak havoc.
  • Remove bulb from unit.

The vast majority of units arrive in good shape, but we wanted to warn customers that care must be taken.  In case your curious, this particular Hamamatsu was refurbished  (extra mirror was expensive !) and is shining bright and exposing edge beads daily.