TEL Tokyo Electron Clean Track – INR-244-216B SMC Thermo-Con Failure

Have a INR-244-216B that failed?  Common symptoms are E800 and E820 codes on the front panel.  Fan not spinning or LED not illuminated?  Contact  There is a fully functional track with its main purpose to test your parts or supply its parts for you in case of an emergency.  Below is a list of  of error codes that go along with the the SMC Thermo-Con on a Tel Clean Track.  E800 or E820 are the common failures for this INR-244-216 box. Note that, the track can run sometimes without error even if the the SMC Thermo-Con unit does have problems.

INR-244-211C-43 with INR-244-216

Other relevant and available parts are 2TP-2B575, INR-244-244T-670 and INR-244-253-6400  Operator Panel / Keypad -C3 -D9 .  There are parts inside cabinet INR-244-211C-43.

If you isolate the problem to this, and need a replacement or repair contact GetSpares.  Where they have a fully functional track running and ready to test and supply parts for you.

Error codes for SMC unit


E000 ROM check error. ROM check error at power supply.
E001 RAM check error. RAM checkerror at power supply.
E002 Back up data error. EEROM data is lost.
E100 Alarm at low voltage in power supply of thermo-modules . Occurs in case of over current.
E200 High temperature alarm. Occurs when the input value of control sensor exceeds 60C degrees.
E300 Low temperature alarm. Occurs When the input value of control sensor falls below 0 C.
E400 Thermostat alarm. Occurs when the contact point of a thermostat is open.
E500 Temp. control impossible. This alarm Works if termperature does not change properly (the range varies 0.1~0.9°C) when 100% output is continued for certain period of time (varies 1~60 min.)
E600 Flow switch alarm. Occurs when flow switch is ON.
E700 Alarm of control sensor broken wire. Occurs if broken disconnected.
E800 Pump abnormality alarm. Pump has something wrong.
E810 Water leakage abnormality alarm. water leakage sensor detects abnormality.
E820 Fan alarm. Cooling fan for each switching power supply stops.
E840 Level abnormality alarm. Level sensor detects abnormality.

Hamamatsu L6001-01, L6599-01, L6299-12 Fragile!

Before sending your Hamamatsu lamp house to Although, most arrive in great, re-buildable condition, great care must be taken so that the sensitive elliptical (also known as parabolic or ellipsoidal) mirror is not destroyed while in shipping.  This applies to all Hamamatsu light sources with these spherical reflectors such as L6001-01, L6599-01 and L6299-12.
Cracked Hamamatsu Mirror. So Sad!

Cracked Hamamatsu Mirror. So Sad!

Some guidelines for shipping Hamamatsu Lamp Houses:

  • Pack one per box for obvious reasons, you don’t want problems from lost or stolen packages to be magnified.  Replacement of these boxes is approximately $20,000 from the manufacturer and is not easy.
  • Use lots of protective packing.   Assume the box will be abused.
  • If the alignment posts on the mirror are already cracked or “thinned” from years of use, call  There are special instructions because standard shipping will very likely cause the remaining posts to crack and wreak havoc.
  • Remove bulb from unit.

The vast majority of units arrive in good shape, but we wanted to warn customers that care must be taken.  In case your curious, this particular Hamamatsu was refurbished  (extra mirror was expensive !) and is shining bright and exposing edge beads daily.

INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Controller for DNS 80B

The Chemical Temperature Control unit (part number INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751) for DNS 80B photolithography track is a known failure point.  Symptoms include communication errors, error code “00”, and failure to meet temperature set point. has discovered the electronic repair solutions for restoring these units to operational status.  Additionally, maintains functional DNS tracks on the warehouse floor, providing a conclusive test environment for any DNS parts.

Contact today for your repair or replacement needs!

Front View: INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Control Unit for DNS 80B

Front View: INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Control Unit for DNS 80B

Rear View: INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Control Unit for DNS 80B

Rear View: INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Control Unit for DNS 80B

GEIA-001 (aka 2-VC-28124) 6-axis Motor Driver for DNS SK200 Interface-B Unit

The 6-axis Motor Driver, part numbers GEIA-001 or 2-VC-28124, drives the handler robots EV1 and EV2 in the Interface-B (IF-B) unit of DNS SK200 coater track.  Faulty handler operation in the IF-B has been traced back to failed electronics in the 6-axis Motor Driver.

GetSpares maintains functional DNS tracks on their floor as well as the engineering capability to repair and test associated parts and electronics.

If you are experiencing handler motor drive problems in your DNS equipment, contact today for the right solution!

GEIA-001 (aka 2-VC-28124) 6-axis Motor Driver for DNS SK200

GEIA-001 (aka 2-VC-28124) 6-axis Motor Driver for DNS SK200

GEPH-001/GEPH-001X3 AC Box Power Supply for DNS SK200 Coater Track

Power failures in DNS SK200 coater track have been traced back to failed electronics in the AC Power Supply Box – part number GEPH-001/GEPH-001X3.

GetSpares maintains functional DNS tracks on their floor as well as the engineering capability to repair and test associated parts and electronics.


If you are experiencing general power failures (or even a “dead” track) in your DNS equipment, contact today for the right solution!

GEPH_001X3 AC Power Supply Box DNS SK200

GEPH_001X3 AC Power Supply Box DNS SK200

Driver Motor Box Servo Amplifier PK CESA-804 for DNS 80A Track

Communication and Rev errors in the spin units of DNS 80A tracks have been traced back to faulty electronics in the Servo Amplifier Pack – part number CESA-804.

GetSpares maintains functional DNS tracks on their floor as well as the engineering capability to repair and test associated parts and electronics.

Example alarm that has been resolved:

-CODE 1-03-0247 [station 1 – unit 3 (spin) – code 0247]:                                              Servo Controller Communication Error 

If you are experiencing any communication or “rev” (RPM) errors in the spin units of your DNS equipment, contact today for the right solution!

CESA-804 Servo Amp Pack for DNS 80A

CESA-804 Servo Amp Pack for DNS 80A

Indexer Control Board CEDB-1013 aka 2-VC-15252 for DNS 80A Track

A number of flow errors at the Indexer module of a DNS 80A track have been traced back to failures in the Indexer Control Board – part numbers CEDB-1013,  2-VC-15252 or 2-VC-1524-1. 2-VC-15254-1  GetSpares maintains functional DNS tracks on their floor as well as the engineering capability to repair and test associated parts and electronics.

Example alarms that have been resolved include:

CODE 1-01-0210 [station 1 – unit 1 (indexer) – code 0210]:                                        Faulty Indexer Horizontal Axis Operation

CODE 1-01-0220 [station 1 – unit 1 (indexer) – code 0220]:                                         Faulty Indexer Horizontal Axis Origin Return

If you are experiencing this or similar flow alarms on your DNS equipment, contact today for the right solution!

Indexer Control Board CEDB-1013 for DNS 80A

Indexer Control Board CEDB-1013 for DNS 80A

ETEC/ATEQ/AMAT LTS TCB Video Generator Board 8007-0011

The Video Generator (VG) board is an integral part of ETEC laser beam lithography tools. Common symptoms of a failed board include:
  • “No signal detected at PAQ AD” (Pattern Acquisition Adjust)
  • “VG not responding”
  • Tool will not pass a system restart has proven capability to restore failed VGs to full function.  Contact them today for replacement/repair solutions.

Bottom view of ETEC Video Generator board 8007-0011

Bottom view of ETEC Video Generator board 8007-0011

Top view of ETEC Video Generator board 8007-0011

Top view of ETEC Video Generator board 8007-0011

Bake Temperature Control Errors on DNS 80A and 80B – Heater Controllers EEBH-6011, EEBH-0011

If you are experiencing “Bake Temperature Error”, “Bake Temperature Incomplete” or other general failures with the bake units in a DNS 80A or 80B tracks, the Heater Controllers EEBH-6011 or EEBH-0011 have likely failed.  Not to fear, maintains DNS tracks and parts.  These parts are available for sale when in stock, but can also be repaired if shipped to the GetSpares facility.  If you see a error screens as pictured below, contact GetSpares today!
Code 01-XX-201: Bake Temperature Error, DNS80A

Code 01-XX-201: Bake Temperature Error, DNS80A

Code 01-XX-301: Bake Temperature Incomplete, DNS80A

Code 01-XX-301: Bake Temperature Incomplete, DNS80A

Font view: EEBH-6011 Heater Controller, DNS80A

Font view: EEBH-6011 Heater Controller, DNS80A

Top view: EEBH-6011 Heater Controller, DNS80A

Top view: EEBH-6011 Heater Controller, DNS80A

Heater controller EEBH-0011 for DNS80B

Heater controller EEBH-0011 for DNS80B

DNS80B Spin Board EESC-0012 2-vc-191195 Board Connections and Schematics

Here is a cheat sheet we use to identify where and what each connection on the DNS80 spin boards are connected to.   This specific unit has connections for SC2, SCN5, SCN3, SN4, SCN6, SCN8, SCN10, SCN12 and SCN13 on the EESC-0012 spin board.















Connector Board Description Where does it go ?
SCN2 EESC-0012 Spin Board A Board A Input 1-30, Output 1-8, 24V, 12V, GND External Alarm IFC
SCN3 EESC-0012 Spin Board A Inputs 1-38. Outputs 1-7, but there are really 32 serparate outputs Mech I/O to Spin mechanical section IFC Board
SCN4 EESC-0012 Spin Board A Inputs 1-8. 4 Inputs for M3 control. 4 outputs for M3. SCN4A Cup Section
SCN5 EESC-0012 Spin Board B Inputs 1-32, Outputs 1-24, 24V, 12V, GND Spin Chemical IFC
SCN6 EESC-0012 Spin Board B Only has one input and output AC power supply interface
SCN8 EESC-0012 Spin Board B Inputs 1-12, Outputs 1-8 Not Connected
SCN10 EESC-0012 Spin Board C TXA, RXA, RS232 AC power supply interface
SCN11 No Connector
SCN12 EESC-0012 Spin Board C BUS1+ , BUS1- RS485 to Chemical Temperature Controller, AKA “Thermostatic Control Unit”
SCN13 EESC-0012 Spin Board C BUS2+ , BUS2- TXB2, RXB2 Not Connected



























































































