Prometrix/KLA Omnimap RS-35, RS55 Calibration Procedure 54-0014 36-0014 PCB DVM 36-0004 Current Source PCB 54-0005 or 54-0389)


____________ Testing the Analog Section ____________

CAUTION Call GetSpares before attempting any of the following as it might invalidate your warranty.
The Purpose of these instructions is to determine if a PCA board in the analog se‘sfi’zezd to tester has failed. The following section includes an overview of the tools you l ection of perform the test, as well as an overview of the PCA boards thatcompnse the ana 08 5 the tester.

Testing the analog section basically consists of the following:
Testing the Power Supply board.
Testing the Current Supply board.
Testing the Relay and Voltmeter boards.

Testing each board in the order just described enables you to determine of a particular board has failed.

If you are not familiar with Term4 software, refer to Using Term4 before proceeding with the following procedures.

Tools Required to Test the Analog Section a
You will need the following tools to test the analog section. b ‘1‘ 0
Fast response multimeter with 5 or 6 digit display (response time of 250 ms). 0
Clip—on type leads for multimeter. 0 p
5/32 allen wrench (ball type driver). 0
2.79 ohms/ sq. resistor network (part number 50—0009). 0
Term4 or MPTerm software. (Refer to Using Term4 if you are unfamiliar with Term4 software.) . . ‘


Important Remove the probe head from the tester before proceeding with these tests.



PCA Boards That Comprise the Analog Section

Follow this procedure to locate the PCA boards of the testers analog Section

1. Remove the right-side panel from tho tester to allow arrows to the Analog PCA’s.

2. Locate and Identify the four Analog PCAs in the tester. When looking at the card cage from the left side of the tester. The PCAs that comprise the analog section are located at the extreme left. The follwoing describes and gives the location of each board.

The Analog Relay PCA board is the far left position of the card cage. The probe head cable and two jumper boards are connected to the Analog Relay PCA. During measurements, this board sends currentl to and from the probe head. 0

The Analog Voltmeter PCA board is to tho right of the Analog Relay PCA. The Analog Voltmotor PCA shares the short four-pin jumper board with the Relay PCA. The Analog Voltmotor PCA makes the mweasurements, and converts analog to digital.

The Analog Current Supply PCA board to to tho right of the Analog Voltmotor PCA. The Analog Voltmetor PCA has a short five-pin jumper, and shares the long four-pln jumper with the Relay PCA. This board produces the current that is forced to the probe head during measuremnts.

Thu Analog Power Supply PCA board in to the right of tho Analog Current Supply PCA. The Analog Power Supply PCA shares the short five-pln jumpor with tho Analog Current Supply PCA. The Analog Power Supply may or may not (depending on tho age of your system) may have a two-pin connector at the top. Thatconnector connects to a battery which in used during measurements whoro the selected current is 20.0 mA or less


WARNING if your system has an Analog Power Supply with a battery connectormmrclor. NEVER connect or disconnect any of the jumper boards or any leads to the multimeter without turning off the tester and disconnecting the battery from the Analog Power Supply PCA.

If your system has an Analog Power Supply PCA without a batter connector , NEVER connect or disocnnect any of the jumber board or leads to the multimeter without turning off the tester.


Testing the Power Supply Board es . assum

The following procedures describe testing the Power Supply board. This procedure assumes you have already removed the right side panel of the tester. (Refer to .: Replacing the Left and Right Side Panels” in Chapter 4.)

To test the Power Supply board:

1. Power Off the tester and disconnect the two-pin battery connector (If your system has one) from the Power Supply board.
2. Disconnect the short five-pin connector between the Power Supply board and the Current Supply board.
3. Connect the Negative lead of the multimeter to the bottom pin of the five Pin connector on the Power Supply board.
4. Select VDC on the multimeter and power on the tester.

\— Note Use caution to ensure you do not short between pins when measuring voltages. . A

5. Verify the following voltages are being output from the Power Supply board.
6. Power off the tester. 1
7. Disconnect multimeter from the five pin output connector.
8. Power on the tester and measure the output of the two pin battery output connector to ensure that the output is approximately 13.8 vdc.
9. Measure the voltage from the battery at the connector that plugs into the Power Supply to ensure that it is approximately 13.6 vdc.
10. Power off the tester. ‘ a.
11. Connect the negative lead of the multimeter to the bottom pin of the five pin connector.
12. Connect the two pin battery connector to the Power Supply board.
13. Verify that there are no voltages present at the five pin connector Outputs.

If any of the above reading were incorrect, the Power Supply board is defective. Please contact GetSpares for further instructions. If all of the readings were correct, continue to the next step in this procedure. .


Table 7-10: Pins of the Power Supply PCA Board and their Voltage Outputs

Pin Voltage Output Acceptable Ranges

top pin of five pin output +50 vdc 48—50.00 vdc
next to top pin +20 VDC 18—20.0 vdc
third pin +15 vdc 1 15 +/- 0.25 vdc
second pin —15 vdc 15.00 vdc +/-.025 vdc
bottom pin analog ground .


Testing and Calibrating the Current Supply Board

The following procedure describes testing the Current Supply board. This procedure assumes you have tested the Power Supplyboard, and have determined thatitis functioning prOperly. If you are unfamiliar with Term4 software, read “Proper Format for Entering Commands in Term4.” Otherwise, proceed with the following instructions.

1mPortant The Current Supply is static sensitive. Take precautionary measures to prevent Static Electrical Discharges. Remove the probe head before proceeding with the calibration instructions. Use ground straps!

To test the Current Supply board:

1. Power off the tester.
2. Remove the four—pin and five-pin jumpers to the Current Supply board.
3. Remove the Current Supply board from the tester. Remove the tape covering the threes holes on the side of the board’s protective covering. These holes enable . you to access the board’s test point and potentiometers without removing the protective covering. Figure 7-23 shows the holes on the side of the board’s protective covering and the test point and pots accessible through each hole. Four-Pin _ Connector ‘ Gain Potentiometer Test Point Zero Offset Potentiometer Five-Pin Connector . Side View of the Current Supply Board Figure 7-23: locatitm of the Current Supply Board’s Test Points and Potentiometers

4. Connect the positive lead of the multimeter to the test point shown in Figure 7-24. –
5. Reinstall the Current Supply into the tester. _
6. Connect the five pin jumper board.
7_ Connect the negative lead of the multimeter to the bottom pin of the five pin jumper (analog ground).
8. Power on the tester. Enable Term4 software by doing the following:
– Power on the computer.

– The StatTrax software loads and displays the Introduchon screen

– From the Introduction screen, press the Shift tilde ( % simultaneously to enter the operating system (M5— Dos .
The C:> prompt appears.
— Type TERM4 and press Enter.
– The computer displays the Term4 Command screen.
— Press F1 to scroll through the various system types until RS550 is displayed in the lower left comer of the monitor.
— Press F3 to select TESTER.
— Enter the command RST and press RETURN. Verify that the tester resets and that the symbol ”t” is displayed on the monitor.


9. Type STI_0000_0000 and press RETURN.

10. Ensure the multimeter reads 0.0000 vdc 0.100 mvdc. If value is out of spec, adjust the Zero Offset potentiometer (see Figure 7—24).

11. Type STI_0000_4000 and press RETURN.

12. Ensure the multimeter reads 5.0000 vdc 0.0005 vdc. If value is out of spec. adjust the Gain potentiometer (see Figure 7-24).

Repeat steps 9 through 12 until values are correct.

13. Remove the DVM leads from the Current Supply board.

14. Select Amp DC. on the multimeter.

15. Selects range of 200 mA.

16. Connect the negative lead of the multimeter to the pin (next to the top) of the Current Supply board’s four-pin connector.

17. Connect the positive lead of the multimeter to the pin (next to the bottom) of the Current Supply board’s four-pin connector.

Note Make sure that the test leads are connected to the two_inside pins of the four-pin connector.

Note Use a meter capable of measurements at less than 100 nano—amps for the following steps, Failure to do so will void any claims as to the accuracy of the system.

18. Use this procedure to complete the calibration procedure: ‘

a. Type in a Term4’command listed in Table 7-11 (in sequence).
b. Press Enter. The system should display a ”i” to verify the command you entered. ; c. Type ION, and then press Enter. The system should display a ”I.”

d. Check that the Ammeter displays the expected current level (refer . to Table 7-11 for the expected current level for the Term4 command.
e. ‘Iype 10F, and then press Enter.

Do this for each command listed in Table 7-11. ‘

19. Power off the tester.

20. Disconnect the Ammeter leads from the Current Supply board.

If any of the above readings were incorrect, the Current Supply board is defective or needs to be repaired. If all of the readings were correct, continue to ”Testing the Relay Board.” Table 7-11:

Term4 Commands and their Expected Current Levels Term4 Format Command Expected Current STI_0004_4000 200.00 mA +/-2.0 mA
STI_0003_4000 20.00 mA +/-0.05 mA
STI_0002_4000 2.000 mA +/-0.002 mA
STI_0001_4000 0.200 mA +/-0.002 mA
STI__0000_4000 0.020 mA i0.0005 mA
STI_0000_0000 0.000 mA 10.0005 mA



Testing the Relay Board

The following procedure describes testing the Relay board. This procedure-assumes you have tested the Power Supply board, and have determined that it is functioning prOperly.

1. Connect the long, four-pin jumper between the Current Supply and the Relay PCAs. f Connect the short, four-pin jumper between the Relay and Voltmeter PCA. j

2. Connect the negative lead of the multimeter to the bottom pin of the Relay PCA’s four-pin connector. _

3. Connect the positive lead of the multimeter to the pin (next to the top pin) of the Relay PCA’s lower four-pin connector.

4. Select the VDC setting on the multimeter. ‘ ‘ Select the mV range. (You willbemeasuring approximately 10 mV during these ‘ next few steps.) ,

5. Power On the tester. .. V

6. Install the 2.79 ohm/ sq. resistor network (provided with each system) in the , . . probe head connector. _ f ‘

7. Type STI__0003_2 400 and press RETURN. ‘ ‘

8. Use Table 7-12 to help you verify the voltages at a single—step rate:

If any of the above voltage readings are incorrect, the Relay board is defective. Please contact Prometrix Field Service for further instructions. If the voltage readings are correct, test and ‘ calibrate the Analog Voltmeter PCA board.

Table 7-12: Verifying Voltages at a Single-Step Rate W
Command Voltage

Type ION No voltage
Type IP No voltage
Type STR_3 +7.5 mV ’
Type IN_ —7.5 mV
Type IP_ No voltage
Type STR_0 +6.0 mV ‘
Iype IN_ —6.0 mV .


Testing and Calibrating the Analog Voltmeter PCA g

1. ‘Itrm power to the tester off.
2. Locate the Analog Voltmeter circuit board.
3. Remove all jumpers to the board.
4. Remove the board from the tester.
5. Take the top can off. Jumper the input and ground.
6. Connect the negative test lead of the DVM to the jumper-
7. Connect the positive testlead of the DVM to the test pin on the circuit board. The test pin is located next to pin 37 of the large IC. If no test pin rs available, use pin 32 of the large IC. Set the DVM to Volts.
8. Install the extender board into the tester. Re—install the circuit board onto the extender board and turn the power on to the system. The jumpers to other crrcult boards do not have to be installed.
9. Verify that the voltage reading is 2.0000 vdc +/- 0.0005 vdc. If the reading is off, adjust the voltage by turning the bottom trimpot.

Note Ifyou are unabletoobtain thecorrect voltage, thecircuit board is defectioeand must bereturned to Prometrixfar repair.


10. Power off the tester and remove the positive test lead from the circuit board.

11. Locate pin 9 on the IC PGAZOOBG (by BB). This IC is located next to the two trim 1 pots (Figure 7-25). A long thin probe electrode will be required to make an – in-circuit measurement on this pin. .

12. Re-install the board into the tester and turn the system power on. 5 The Zero adjust is a difficult measurement to‘ make. With the thin probe lead . resting on pin 9 of the PGAZOOBG IC, adjust the top trimpot to get a reading of 0.0000 vdc +/- 0.0005 vdc.

13. Power the tester off.

14. Remove the jumper from the circuit board and put the can back on the board. Re—install the board, connect the jumpers, then turn the system power on.

15. Connect the battery connector. ._ p

16. Exit Term4 and return to the StatTrax Introduction screen by typing PMX and i then pressing Enter. You are now finished calibrating the Voltmetei’ PCA board. Next, you will verify system calibration.

17. After the screen displays the Introduction screen, begin collecting normal data using the 2.79 ohms/ sq. resistor network and the Manual current feature of the . system. :

18. Select a current of 12.0 mA. As the sample current is being taken, ensure that the . Va reading is approximately 7.5 mV, and that the Vb reading is approximately 6.0 mV.



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90-2590 16495-01B Branson/IPC, I/O interface Gasonics/Novellus L_3500 L_3510 11/06/2015
90-2590 16495-01B Branson/IPC, I/O interface Gasonics/Novellus L_3500 L_3510 11/06/2015
2-39-51930 2-39-61074 LCD DNS SK-200 11/04/2015
EESA-001A1 servo amp AU6356N20 and EESA-001 2-39-53462-GSRPR DNS 80B 11/03/2015
EESA-001A1 servo amp AU6356N20 and EESA-001 2-39-53462-GSRPR DNS 80B 11/03/2015
14-008473-GSRPR PCB, AUTO FOCUS KLA Therma-Wave Opti-Probe 2600-2690 3260-3290 10/28/2015
410-01900 OBC Board (ECO-1000) 000-883100 050-883100 Nicolet Magna ECO 1000 10/28/2015
2-VC-19090GSRPR Transport Slave Board Repair (EERC-0013) DNS 80B 10/23/2015
2-39-51930-2-39-61074 DNS SK-200 10/22/2015
AG09 Hamamatsu L6299 10/21/2015
52-0616 ME Box KLA/Prometrix RS-75 10/21/2015
52-0616 ME Box KLA/Prometrix RS-75 10/21/2015
Leybold UL-500 10/19/2015
780-14091-000GSRPR KLA8100 CD-SEM, 8100XP CD-SEM, 8100XPR CD-SEM, 8250 CD-SEM, 8300 CD-SEM, 8450 CD-SEM 10/19/2015
servo amp 2-39-48133-GSRPR AU3575N233 and EESA-001 DNS 80B 10/07/2015
52-0616 ME Box KLA/Prometrix RS-75 09/21/2015
servo amp AU3575N233 and EESA-001 DNS 80B 09/21/2015
AC-2S06 Adaptor, Throttle Valve Controller (796-006238-002) C1 Tylan General 09/14/2015
Timing Generator, PCB W/Exchange S6420 277266 KLA/Tencor 09/10/2015
2-VC-19090GSRPR Transport Slave Board Repair (EERC-0013) DNS 80B 09/08/2015
52-0616 ME Box KLA/Prometrix RS-75 09/08/2015
AG09 Lamp Power Unit Hamamatsu L6299 09/02/2015
AG09 Lamp Power Unit Hamamatsu L6299 09/02/2015
AG09 Lamp Power Unit Hamamatsu L6299 09/02/2015
AG09 Lamp Power Unit Hamamatsu L6299 09/02/2015
EESA-001A1 servo amp AU6356N20 and EESA-001 DNS 80B 09/01/2015
Laser sensor KLA Laser 08/24/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 08/20/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 08/20/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 08/20/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 08/20/2015
EEBH-0011X1GSRPR heater control bake unit DNS 80B 08/18/2015
90-2590 Gasonics/Novellus L_3500 L_3510 08/18/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 08/17/2015
02-00149-00 Novellus / Gasonics C1 08/13/2015
95-0538 Cluster Misc Controller Novellus / Gasonics PEP3510 08/12/2015
EESA-001A1 servo amp AU6356N20 and EESA-001 2-39-53462-GSRPR DNS 80B 08/12/2015
EEW Hamamatsu L6299-12 PSI-DUV248 DNS 80B 08/11/2015
EEBH-0011X1GSRPR heater control bake unit DNS 80B 08/10/2015
Driver Motor Box, Servo Pack CESA-804 DNS 80A 08/06/2015
50-188N PCB -RMX Control Board MRC/Eclipse 4 CVD-PVD 08/06/2015
Driver Motor Box, Servo Pack CESA-804 DNS 80A 08/06/2015
Driver Motor Box, Servo Pack CESA-804 DNS 80A 08/06/2015
linear encoder 08/04/2015
-VC-34885-GSRPR EEBH-6011 heater control bake unit DNS 80B 08/03/2015
EESA-001A1 servo amp AU6356N20 and EESA-001 2-39-53462 DNS 80B 07/30/2015
2-39-51930-2-39-61074 LCD DNS SK-200 07/27/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 07/24/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 07/24/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 07/24/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 07/24/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 07/24/2015
servo amp AU6356N20 / EESA-001/ EESA-001A1/2-39-53462 DNS 80B 07/23/2015
servo amp AU6356N20 / EESA-001/ EESA-001A1/2-39-53462 DNS 80B 07/23/2015
2114B-30SLQST CYONICS-UNIPHASE KLA 6220 6420 07/14/2015
2-39-51930 2-39-61074 LCD DNS SK-200 07/10/2015
2-39-51930-2-39-61074 LCD DNS SK-200 07/10/2015
2-39-51930-2-39-61074 LCD DNS SK-200 07/10/2015
2114B-30SLQST CYONICS-UNIPHASE KLA 6220 6420 07/03/2015
EEMP-0021X3 DNS 60B 07/02/2015
SQV175-14XX KLA/Prometrix RS35 06/30/2015
Phasetronics PTR1000 120 KB 69039 Control Assembly Novellus / Gasonics PEP3510 06/29/2015
Computer FC-9821Ka DNS 80A 06/26/2015
903-1598 PCB-EOP/Pressure ControlIPC SPA L_3510 Gasonics 06/24/2015
EEKA-0011 8axis Controller ID-A Transport Unit 2-VC-23936, 2-VC-15485, MR-J10-S07 DNS 80B 06/24/2015
50-188N PCB -RMX Control Board MRC/Eclipse 4 CVD-PVD 06/24/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 06/23/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 06/23/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 06/23/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 06/23/2015
CEML-0014 DS-LAN BOARD/2-VC-1075-1 IF01068A DNS 80B 06/18/2015
Computer FC-9821Ka DNS 80A 06/18/2015
maintenance panel CESP-002 (Coat) DNS 80B 06/07/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 06/03/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 06/03/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 06/03/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 06/03/2015
FRD-4 2-39-4543-1 DNS 80B 06/02/2015
FRD-4 2-39-4543-1 DNS 80B 06/02/2015
0190-09379 ASSy VME CPU Synergy Upgrade Applied Materials P5000 05/29/2015
Brooks ACE 001-4130-03 VCE Controller LAM and others 05/27/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 05/15/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 05/15/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 05/15/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 05/15/2015
maintenance panel CESP-002 (Coat) DNS 80B 05/12/2015
servo amp AU6356N20 / EESA-001/ EESA-001A1/2-39-53462 DNS 80B 05/12/2015
maintenance panel CESP-002 (Coat) DNS 80B 05/12/2015
2-39-51930-2-39-61074 SN 001003BB LCD DNS SK-200 05/10/2015
EESA-001A1 servo amp AU6356N20 and EESA-001 DNS 80B 05/05/2015
JZ15-30549 LCD DNS SK-200 04/28/2015
2114B-30SLQST CYONICS-UNIPHASE KLA 6220 6420 04/28/2015
2-39-51930-2-39-61074 DNS SK-200 04/28/2015
8axis Controller 2-VC-15485 EEKA-0011 8axis Controller ID-A Transport Unit 2-VC-23936, 2-VC-15485, MR-J10-S07 DNS 80B 04/28/2015
Little Giant Bl1100 04/28/2015
Unipower Vega 650 Lambda X65223B-ACFN Unknown 04/26/2015
Unipower Vega 650 Lambda X65223B-ACFN 04/24/2015
LK27 Canon I4 04/24/2015
EESA-001A1 servo amp AU6356N20 and EESA-001 DNS 80B 04/23/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 04/22/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 04/22/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 04/22/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 04/22/2015
PMT AIT 1 KLA 341444 04/06/2015
PMT AIT 1 KLA 341444 04/06/2015
2114B-30SLQST CYONICS-UNIPHASE KLA 6220 6420 04/03/2015
2114B-30SLQST CYONICS-UNIPHASE KLA 6220 6420 04/01/2015
2114B-30SLQST CYONICS-UNIPHASE KLA 6220 6420 04/01/2015
Brooks ACE 001-4130-03 VCE Controller LAM and others 03/31/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 03/27/2015
Indexer EEDC-0011 DNS 80B 03/27/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 03/27/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 03/27/2015
Indexer EEDC-0011 DNS 80B 03/27/2015
CEBB-1011 Station Controller Board BAKE DNS 60A 03/26/2015
001-3252-133 03/24/2015
001-3252-133 03/24/2015
2114B-30SLQST CYONICS-UNIPHASE KLA 6220 6420 03/20/2015
2114B-30SLQST CYONICS-UNIPHASE KLA 6220 6420 03/20/2015
95-3154 95-0547 microwave min Novellus / Gasonics PEP3510 02/26/2015
90-2590 L_3510 02/19/2015
90-2590 L_3510 02/19/2015
UDX5107N Vexta 5-Phase Driver Exchange DNS 80B 02/19/2015
SQV175-14XX KLA/Prometrix RS35 02/17/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 02/11/2015
0190-76043 Synergy CPU 68040 Controller Applied Materials V440 02/11/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 02/11/2015
Brooks ACE 001-4130-03 VCE Controller LAM and others 02/10/2015
spin board EESC-0012 80b 02/03/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 02/03/2015
95-0541 MISC mini-controller Novellus / Gasonics PEP3510 01/29/2015
95-0537 gas box mini controller 95-2977 Novellus / Gasonics PEP3510 01/29/2015
0090-75014 Synergy CPU Applied Materials V440 (V21) 01/29/2015
95-3154 95-0547 microwave min Novellus / Gasonics PEP3510 01/29/2015
maintenance panel CESP-0002 (Coater) DNS 80B 01/26/2015
maintenance panel CESP-001A (Coater) DNS 80B 01/26/2015
EESA-001A1 servo amp AU6356N20 and EESA-001 DNS 80B 01/26/2015
maintenance panel CESP-0018 (Develop) DNS 80B 01/26/2015
SQV175-14XX KLA/Prometrix RS35 01/22/2015
SQV175-14XX KLA/Prometrix RS35 01/22/2015
EESA-001A1 servo amp AU6356N20 and EESA-001 DNS 80B 01/22/2015
36-0042 Analog Power Supply KLA/Prometrix RS-35 01/19/2015
EESA-001A1 servo amp AU6356N20 and EESA-001 DNS 80B 01/19/2015
EESA-001A1 servo amp AU6356N20 and EESA-001 DNS 80B 01/19/2015
52-0616 ME Box KLA/Prometrix RS-75 01/19/2015
spin board EESC-0012 DNS 80B 01/10/2015
AG09 Lamp Power Unit Hamamatsu L6299 01/06/2015
AG09 Lamp Power Unit Hamamatsu L6299 12/29/2014
AG09 Lamp Power Unit Hamamatsu L6299 12/29/2014
LCD power board ZD75-0524 DNS 80B 12/04/2014
AG09 Lamp Power Unit Hamamatsu L6299 11/18/2014
AG09 Lamp Power Unit Hamamatsu L6299 11/18/2014
spin board EESC-0012 80b 11/06/2014
spin board EESC-0012 80b 10/21/2014
maintenance panel CESP-0017X2 (Coater) DNS 80B 10/15/2014
AG09 Lamp Power Unit Hamamatsu L6299 10/15/2014
spin board EESC-0012 80b 10/10/2014
AG09 Lamp Power Unit Hamamatsu L6299 09/27/2014
AG09 Lamp Power Unit Hamamatsu L6299 09/27/2014
spin board EESC-0012 80b 09/27/2014
54-0005 Current Source KLA/Prometrix RS-35 09/23/2014
36-0004 Current Source KLA/Prometrix RS-35 09/23/2014
spin board EESC-0012 80b 09/23/2014
spin board EESC-0012 80b 09/23/2014
M400 09/18/2014
1-39-028 Pump Controller IDI-400 09/08/2014
maintenance panel CESP-0017X2 (Coater) 80B 09/01/2014
mother board 1-130-020 IDI M300 02/18/2014
mother board 1-130-020 IDI M300 02/18/2014
mother board 1-130-020 IDI M300 02/18/2014
pump controller card 1-139-022 IDI M300 02/18/2014
com card 1-139-023 IDI M300 02/18/2014

TEL Tokyo Electron Clean Track – INR-244-216B SMC Thermo-Con Failure

Have a INR-244-216B that failed?  Common symptoms are E800 and E820 codes on the front panel.  Fan not spinning or LED not illuminated?  Contact  There is a fully functional track with its main purpose to test your parts or supply its parts for you in case of an emergency.  Below is a list of  of error codes that go along with the the SMC Thermo-Con on a Tel Clean Track.  E800 or E820 are the common failures for this INR-244-216 box. Note that, the track can run sometimes without error even if the the SMC Thermo-Con unit does have problems.

INR-244-211C-43 with INR-244-216

Other relevant and available parts are 2TP-2B575, INR-244-244T-670 and INR-244-253-6400  Operator Panel / Keypad -C3 -D9 .  There are parts inside cabinet INR-244-211C-43.

If you isolate the problem to this, and need a replacement or repair contact GetSpares.  Where they have a fully functional track running and ready to test and supply parts for you.

Error codes for SMC unit


E000 ROM check error. ROM check error at power supply.
E001 RAM check error. RAM checkerror at power supply.
E002 Back up data error. EEROM data is lost.
E100 Alarm at low voltage in power supply of thermo-modules . Occurs in case of over current.
E200 High temperature alarm. Occurs when the input value of control sensor exceeds 60C degrees.
E300 Low temperature alarm. Occurs When the input value of control sensor falls below 0 C.
E400 Thermostat alarm. Occurs when the contact point of a thermostat is open.
E500 Temp. control impossible. This alarm Works if termperature does not change properly (the range varies 0.1~0.9°C) when 100% output is continued for certain period of time (varies 1~60 min.)
E600 Flow switch alarm. Occurs when flow switch is ON.
E700 Alarm of control sensor broken wire. Occurs if broken disconnected.
E800 Pump abnormality alarm. Pump has something wrong.
E810 Water leakage abnormality alarm. water leakage sensor detects abnormality.
E820 Fan alarm. Cooling fan for each switching power supply stops.
E840 Level abnormality alarm. Level sensor detects abnormality.

Prometrix/KLA RS35/RS55 swapping DVM, Current Source, Analog I/O and PCA Relay board

Please follow this critical step when getting a board from  Please make sure you disconnect the battery connection on the analog power supply.    This applies to :

KLA/Prometrix RS35, RS55, RS75, Versaprobe VP10e 54-0005

These models have the following card part numbers:

36-0014 – PCB DVM CARD
54-0014 – PCB DVM CARD
54-0005 – Current Source PCB
54-0389 – Current Source PCB
36-0042 – Analog I/O Board
54-0252 – Analog I/O Board
54-0057 – Analog Power Supply
36-0004 – Current Source PCB
54-0006 – PCA Relay Board

Simply put, the battery connection should be disconnected during install to ensure that any voltage is not force on any pin which should not recieve power when unplugging the cards and the interconnect daughther cards.  Really, as long as you have This picture illustrates the key components where care must be taken:

Cards for RS35,RS55 and RS75 measurement cards

Please follow this simple step to protect the sensitive voltage supply, current source, digital voltmeter,  relay matrix boards from any accidental short while plugging in the interface cards.

Thanks for looking!


Hamamatsu L6001-01, L6599-01, L6299-12 Fragile!

Before sending your Hamamatsu lamp house to Although, most arrive in great, re-buildable condition, great care must be taken so that the sensitive elliptical (also known as parabolic or ellipsoidal) mirror is not destroyed while in shipping.  This applies to all Hamamatsu light sources with these spherical reflectors such as L6001-01, L6599-01 and L6299-12.
Cracked Hamamatsu Mirror. So Sad!

Cracked Hamamatsu Mirror. So Sad!

Some guidelines for shipping Hamamatsu Lamp Houses:

  • Pack one per box for obvious reasons, you don’t want problems from lost or stolen packages to be magnified.  Replacement of these boxes is approximately $20,000 from the manufacturer and is not easy.
  • Use lots of protective packing.   Assume the box will be abused.
  • If the alignment posts on the mirror are already cracked or “thinned” from years of use, call  There are special instructions because standard shipping will very likely cause the remaining posts to crack and wreak havoc.
  • Remove bulb from unit.

The vast majority of units arrive in good shape, but we wanted to warn customers that care must be taken.  In case your curious, this particular Hamamatsu was refurbished  (extra mirror was expensive !) and is shining bright and exposing edge beads daily.

KLA Therma-Wave Opti-Probe 14-008473 REV B 14-007009 REV B1 REV G 14-007003 Backplane Connector on

If you get your electronics from, you know the unit will be fully functional.  Why?  Because they test it in the actual tool and run wafers.  Once in a while, a fully functional board can get damaged due to a simple installation mishap.  This post describes this exact situation on KLA / Thermawave Opti-Probe 2600,2690,3260 and 3290 series film measurement tools. Some common revs of this board have part numbers:

14-008473, 14-007009, 14-007003,  14-010064

A 2 minute card swap can turn into a disaster if the P1 power connector is installed 180 degrees rotated.  Careful, this is easy to do because the connector is not keyed!  Take a look at the following picture to see the correct orientation.

P1 Connector. Pin 1 location

P1 Connector. Pin 1 location

Applies to 2600,2680,3260,3290

Applies to 2600,2680,3260,3290

 What happens if it rotated?  More than we have time to describe!  But basically, when this board fails you may see the following errors:

0x09080008 Can’t complete hardware initialization

0x0608000A Can’t Focus

0x06080011 Failed to close high mag focus loop

0x06080035 High mag focus capture failed: soft limit

0x06080050 Focus pos: 5.466 Limit: 5.465 Corr: 0.000

Don’t forget to visit for this auto-focus board and many other semiconductor parts.

Hope this helps and Good luck!

INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Controller for DNS 80B

The Chemical Temperature Control unit (part number INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751) for DNS 80B photolithography track is a known failure point.  Symptoms include communication errors, error code “00”, and failure to meet temperature set point. has discovered the electronic repair solutions for restoring these units to operational status.  Additionally, maintains functional DNS tracks on the warehouse floor, providing a conclusive test environment for any DNS parts.

Contact today for your repair or replacement needs!

Front View: INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Control Unit for DNS 80B

Front View: INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Control Unit for DNS 80B

Rear View: INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Control Unit for DNS 80B

Rear View: INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Control Unit for DNS 80B

GEIA-001 (aka 2-VC-28124) 6-axis Motor Driver for DNS SK200 Interface-B Unit

The 6-axis Motor Driver, part numbers GEIA-001 or 2-VC-28124, drives the handler robots EV1 and EV2 in the Interface-B (IF-B) unit of DNS SK200 coater track.  Faulty handler operation in the IF-B has been traced back to failed electronics in the 6-axis Motor Driver.

GetSpares maintains functional DNS tracks on their floor as well as the engineering capability to repair and test associated parts and electronics.

If you are experiencing handler motor drive problems in your DNS equipment, contact today for the right solution!

GEIA-001 (aka 2-VC-28124) 6-axis Motor Driver for DNS SK200

GEIA-001 (aka 2-VC-28124) 6-axis Motor Driver for DNS SK200

GEPH-001/GEPH-001X3 AC Box Power Supply for DNS SK200 Coater Track

Power failures in DNS SK200 coater track have been traced back to failed electronics in the AC Power Supply Box – part number GEPH-001/GEPH-001X3.

GetSpares maintains functional DNS tracks on their floor as well as the engineering capability to repair and test associated parts and electronics.


If you are experiencing general power failures (or even a “dead” track) in your DNS equipment, contact today for the right solution!

GEPH_001X3 AC Power Supply Box DNS SK200

GEPH_001X3 AC Power Supply Box DNS SK200

Driver Motor Box Servo Amplifier PK CESA-804 for DNS 80A Track

Communication and Rev errors in the spin units of DNS 80A tracks have been traced back to faulty electronics in the Servo Amplifier Pack – part number CESA-804.

GetSpares maintains functional DNS tracks on their floor as well as the engineering capability to repair and test associated parts and electronics.

Example alarm that has been resolved:

-CODE 1-03-0247 [station 1 – unit 3 (spin) – code 0247]:                                              Servo Controller Communication Error 

If you are experiencing any communication or “rev” (RPM) errors in the spin units of your DNS equipment, contact today for the right solution!

CESA-804 Servo Amp Pack for DNS 80A

CESA-804 Servo Amp Pack for DNS 80A