KLA Therma-Wave Opti-Probe 14-008473 REV B 14-007009 REV B1 REV G 14-007003 Backplane Connector on

If you get your electronics from GetSpares.com, you know the unit will be fully functional.  Why?  Because they test it in the actual tool and run wafers.  Once in a while, a fully functional board can get damaged due to a simple installation mishap.  This post describes this exact situation on KLA / Thermawave Opti-Probe 2600,2690,3260 and 3290 series film measurement tools. Some common revs of this board have part numbers:

14-008473, 14-007009, 14-007003,  14-010064

A 2 minute card swap can turn into a disaster if the P1 power connector is installed 180 degrees rotated.  Careful, this is easy to do because the connector is not keyed!  Take a look at the following picture to see the correct orientation.

P1 Connector. Pin 1 location

P1 Connector. Pin 1 location

Applies to 2600,2680,3260,3290

Applies to 2600,2680,3260,3290

 What happens if it rotated?  More than we have time to describe!  But basically, when this board fails you may see the following errors:

0x09080008 Can’t complete hardware initialization

0x0608000A Can’t Focus

0x06080011 Failed to close high mag focus loop

0x06080035 High mag focus capture failed: soft limit

0x06080050 Focus pos: 5.466 Limit: 5.465 Corr: 0.000

Don’t forget to visit GetSpares.com for this auto-focus board and many other semiconductor parts.

Hope this helps and Good luck!