INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Controller for DNS 80B

The Chemical Temperature Control unit (part number INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751) for DNS 80B photolithography track is a known failure point.  Symptoms include communication errors, error code “00”, and failure to meet temperature set point. has discovered the electronic repair solutions for restoring these units to operational status.  Additionally, maintains functional DNS tracks on the warehouse floor, providing a conclusive test environment for any DNS parts.

Contact today for your repair or replacement needs!

Front View: INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Control Unit for DNS 80B

Front View: INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Control Unit for DNS 80B

Rear View: INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Control Unit for DNS 80B

Rear View: INR-244-402 aka 2-39-45751 Chemical Temperature Control Unit for DNS 80B

GEIA-001 (aka 2-VC-28124) 6-axis Motor Driver for DNS SK200 Interface-B Unit

The 6-axis Motor Driver, part numbers GEIA-001 or 2-VC-28124, drives the handler robots EV1 and EV2 in the Interface-B (IF-B) unit of DNS SK200 coater track.  Faulty handler operation in the IF-B has been traced back to failed electronics in the 6-axis Motor Driver.

GetSpares maintains functional DNS tracks on their floor as well as the engineering capability to repair and test associated parts and electronics.

If you are experiencing handler motor drive problems in your DNS equipment, contact today for the right solution!

GEIA-001 (aka 2-VC-28124) 6-axis Motor Driver for DNS SK200

GEIA-001 (aka 2-VC-28124) 6-axis Motor Driver for DNS SK200

DNS80B Spin Board EESC-0012 2-vc-191195 Board Connections and Schematics

Here is a cheat sheet we use to identify where and what each connection on the DNS80 spin boards are connected to.   This specific unit has connections for SC2, SCN5, SCN3, SN4, SCN6, SCN8, SCN10, SCN12 and SCN13 on the EESC-0012 spin board.















Connector Board Description Where does it go ?
SCN2 EESC-0012 Spin Board A Board A Input 1-30, Output 1-8, 24V, 12V, GND External Alarm IFC
SCN3 EESC-0012 Spin Board A Inputs 1-38. Outputs 1-7, but there are really 32 serparate outputs Mech I/O to Spin mechanical section IFC Board
SCN4 EESC-0012 Spin Board A Inputs 1-8. 4 Inputs for M3 control. 4 outputs for M3. SCN4A Cup Section
SCN5 EESC-0012 Spin Board B Inputs 1-32, Outputs 1-24, 24V, 12V, GND Spin Chemical IFC
SCN6 EESC-0012 Spin Board B Only has one input and output AC power supply interface
SCN8 EESC-0012 Spin Board B Inputs 1-12, Outputs 1-8 Not Connected
SCN10 EESC-0012 Spin Board C TXA, RXA, RS232 AC power supply interface
SCN11 No Connector
SCN12 EESC-0012 Spin Board C BUS1+ , BUS1- RS485 to Chemical Temperature Controller, AKA “Thermostatic Control Unit”
SCN13 EESC-0012 Spin Board C BUS2+ , BUS2- TXB2, RXB2 Not Connected






























































































DNS 60/80 A/B EEMP-0021X3, EEMP-0013 LCD Monitors – Color and Monochrome

DNS part numbers EEMP-0021X3 and EEMP-0013 are LCD monitors that can be used in either the 60A, 60B, 80A, or 80B tracks, depending on the track configuration.

Monitor installed in DNS 80B


Monitor installed in DNS 80B, telescoped out

These can fail or malfunction if installed in a tool not configured for that exact part number.  EEMP-0021X3 is a full color display, whereas EEMP-0013 is a monochrome display.


DNS EEMP-0013 Monochrome LCD monitor installed in 80B


DNS EEMP-0021X3 Color LCD monitor installed in 80B


A known symptom of color vs. monochrome incompatibility is loss of directional sync on the monitor.  The screen image will continuously and uncontrollably “roll” like the images in a slot machine.  Another failure symptom is no image at all, but this is less likely a compatibility issue as opposed to general circuit failure.  In either case, maintains a fully operational DNS 80B track and parts, as well as the capability to repair and test parts.  If your DNS LCD monitor is failing, contact GetSpares for quality repair/replacement solutions.

Controls Parts List for DNS 80B

Trouble finding the right part number for your DNS 80B part?  Look no further!  We scanned and OCR’ed the official Dainippon Screen Parts List for your convenience. Peruse the results below.  Contact for replacement or repair solutions on the parts you need.
DNS 80B Control Units Parts List 1/3

DNS 80B Control Units Parts List 1/3

DNS 80B Control Units Parts List 2/3

DNS 80B Control Units Parts List 2/3

DNS 80B Control Units Parts List 3/3

DNS 80B Control Units Parts List 3/3

SERVICE ‘PARTS LIST (80B).x1s Z§_,_C_Qnj’__r_Q_I_U_n_i_t

REV.5.1 00.09
1 Indexer board ID-A EEDC-0011 2-VC-19089

2 Indexer board ID-A EEDC-0012 2-VC-34410 4

3 IF-B board (Type 1) IF-B EEIB-O01 2-VC-18166 1
14 IF-B board (Type 2) IF-B EEIC—OO1 2-VC*19284 1
5 IF-B board IF-B EEIC-0012 2-VC-19284-2 4
6 Transport board Transport unit EERC~O012 2-VC-19090-1 3
7 Spin board Spin EESC-0012 2-VC-19115

:3 Bake board Bake EEBC-0012 2-VC-19116

S9 Bake board Bake EEBC-0013 2-VC-34409 4
10 EEW board DEEW 2-VC-18987 1
11 EEW board DEEW EEUC-0013 2-VC-18987-4 4
12 EEW board DEEW EEUC-0014 2-VC-18987-5 4
13 EEW board DEEW EEUC-0015 2-VC-18987-6 4
14 EEW board UEEW EEEC-O02 2-VC-16147-2 1
15 Spin IFC board I Spin EESD-O01 2-VC-16027

16 EBR IFC bard Spin EESD-O11 2-VC—17102

17 Bake IFC board Bake EEBD—OO1 2-VC-16010

18 DS-LAN board *1 Main controller CEML-0014 2-VC-10751-3 3

19 DS-LAN board *1 Main controller CEML-0014 2-VC-10751-4 5
20 DS-LAN board *1 Main controller CEML~0O16 2-VC-10751-5 5
21 Parallel I/O board *1 Main controller CEMI-0011 2-VC-09977-1
22 RAS board Main controller FC-9801-06K 2-39-48605 NEC gg;380lB/2
23 Simplified RAS board Main controller PC-9821KE-E06 2~39-59409 NEC 5
24 Main controller FC-9821X/2 2-VB-25463
25 Main controller FC-9821X/2 2-VB-25463
26 HD adapter Main controller FC-9821KA-E01 2-39-59405 NEC 5
27 Hard disk drive Main controller §Cgg8fi$XA-HD1 2-39-59406 NBC 5
28 Copy board *1 Copy for main panel CEMG-O01 2-VC-20712 2
29 Copy board *1 Copy for main panel CEMG-0021 2-VC-24889 3
30 Station controller STANDARD (20 SLOTS) EEYC-0011 2-VC-20626 2
31 Station controller 28 SLOTS TYPE EEYC-O111 2-VC-20627 . 2
32 Station controller 11 SLOTS TYPE EEYC-003 2-VC-34399 5
33 GEM controller EEMZ-001 2-VC-25207-1 3
34 GEM controller EEMZ—0O11 2-VC—25207-2 5
35 1/0 unit box Main controller EEMH-001 2-VC-16705
36 Heater controller Bake unit(Max.8 HP) EEBH-0011 2-VC*162l7-1

37 Heater controller Bake unit EEBH~6011 2-VC-34885 CE TYPE 5
flmwm‘ 38 Servo amplifier Spin motor drive AU6356N20 2-39-53462 3
. 39 Servo amplifier Spin motor drive (8OB) EESA-0O1A1 2-VC-16396-2
40 AC power supply Primary AC power input/ EEPH-001 2-VC-16214
Secondary power output
UPS *l*2 Main controller back-up PS500 2-39-55593 HEIAN ELE §;fg“f$fHmJ%Ei 3.1
41 . 121368. (There is 5 UL
label on the backside
of the main body.)
42 Main panel EEMP-0013 2-VC-21746 2
43 Main panel Motor—drive EEMP-0112 2-VC-21747-1 2
44 Main panel Motor-drive EEMP-0113 2-VC-28117
45 Portable main panel EEMP-0212 2~VC-21717 2
46 ID-A panel ID-A EEDP—O01A 2-VC-14786-7 5
47 Maintenance panel ‘ *1 Spin unit CESP-0017 2-VC-10752-6 3
48 Maintenance panel UEEW EEEP-001 2-VC-17848-1 3
49 5 axis motor driver I EEKB-0011 2-VC-26961
50 8 axis motor driver ID—A/Transport Unit EEKA-001 2-VC-15485
51 8 axis motor driver ID-A/Transport Unit EEKA-0011 2-VC~23936

PORP (Incl. Printer) Edit Recipe on Portable
Personal Computer
Book type Personal comp. PC-9801NS/T40
Memory Card (8MB) RCS-8000
52 Application Software PS-98-1002-32 Ver.3.3D
Cable PORP-Printer PC-9801N-19
Printer PC-PR150N
PORP (Not incl. Printer) Edit Recipe on Portable
Personal Computer
Book type Personal comp. PC-9801NS/T40
53 Memory Card (8MB) RCS-8000
Application Software PS-98-1002-32 Ver.3.3D
Cable PORP-User’s Printer PC-9801N—19
54 EBR motor driver EBR CSD5807N-P 2-39-46547
CP power supply unit Cooling plate MR-2015 fig; 2-39~45432
‘K 56 CP controller Cooling plate FRD-4 1 2-39-45431
57 Chemical temp controller INR-244-402 2-39-45751
58 Circulator Chemical temp controller INR-244—404 (2oov) 2-39-45750
59 Circulator Chemical temp controller INR-244-406 (220V) 2-39-48373
60 Panel Chemical Temp Controller INR-244-403 2-39-48374 1
61 WCDS controller *1 For photoresist CECC~4012 2-VC-19786-1 2
62 WCDS panel *1 For photoresist CECP-001 2-VC-14144-1 2
63 Air elimination control. For photoresist PDS-1602 2-39-48738 2
64 Air elimination panel *1 For photoresist PDS-1520 2-39-47429 2
65 Battery unit UPS Type BT-2-48(2Ah-4 48V) 2-39-58575
66 Fuse UPS Type (UL) TSC-8A 2-39-58576 s. 0. C
67 UPS with a Cable Main controller back-up CEMD-0012 2-VC-09974-1 HEIAN ELE
68 Video measure sensor DEEW EEUE-001B 2-VC-30392 Z4LC-CD2 TYPE 3.1
Video measure sensor DEEW EEVE-001 2-VC-18989 3X2CA—PLC8 TYPE 4
69 controller
*1 Common to 80A
*2 back-up time comes to be shorter by degrees because the inside battery getting old.

Contact for replacement or repair solutions on the parts you need.

2-39-45431 Thermostatic Unit FRD-4, Cool Plate Controller for DNS 80B

The FRD-4 Thermostatic Unit serves as the controller for cool plates in the DNS 80B track.  This unit is known to fail and can cause communication errors in the bake/cool process.
Front view of FRD-4 for DNS 80B

Front view of FRD-4 for DNS 80B

Cool Plate Controller Communication Error in DNS 80B caused by faulty FRD-4

Cool Plate Controller Communication Error in DNS 80B caused by faulty FRD-4

Front view of FRD-4 installed in DNS 80B.

Front view of FRD-4 installed in DNS 80B. Check communication 5V power at the output connectors.








A good way to quickly check whether or not the FRD-4 communication circuit is functional is to check voltage on one of the output cables to cool plate units.  The output cables connect to the right-most ports on the FRD-4. Each of them has a red wire and black wire that carry 5V DC power.  Backprobe one of these connectors while it is connected to a live FRD-4 to verify the 5V power.  If there is no voltage, the communication logic on-board the FRD-4 has suffered critical failure.  Contact for replacement or repair solutions.

AU6356N2( a.k.a EESA-001A1 / 2-VC-16396-2 / 2-39-53462) and AU3575N223 (a.k.a. EESA-001 / 2-39-48133-GSRPR) Servo Amp Controller for DNS 80B Coat and Develop Tracks


Servo amps AU6356N2 (a.k.a EESA-001A1 / 2-VC-16396-2 / 2-39-53462) and AU3575N223 (a.k.a. EESA-001 / 2-39-48133-GSRPR) are sitting in a fully functional track, ready to be pulled and sent to you when you need it. In DNS 80B tracks, these electronic modules control the spin of a wafer in the coating and developing processes. The common failure mode is loss of LED indication on the connection panel and erratic or non existent motor control. keeps these modules installed in fully operational tracks in their warehouse inventory, so you know they are working. When you order a module, it’s pulled from the track and shipped. Head to and order yours today!

DNS80B: Wafer in coater ready for spin

DNS80B: Wafer in coater ready for spin

DNS80B: Wafer after spin

DNS80B: Wafer after spin










DNS80B: Electronic Module Cabinet

DNS80B: Electronic Module Cabinet

DNS80B: AU3656N20 Servo Amp Controllers

DNS80B: AU3656N20 Servo Amp Controllers

When you no longer see the LEDS illuminate in the top right cutout, the module needs to be replaced.

When you no longer see the LEDS illuminate in the top right cutout, the module needs to be replaced.

DNS80B - Cassette, Arm, Track

DNS80B – Cassette, Arm, Track



















Front view of AU3575N223(a.k.a. EESA-001 / 2-39-48133-GSPR) installed in track

Front view of AU3575N223(a.k.a. EESA-001 / 2-39-48133-GSPR) installed in track

Top view of AU3575N223(a.k.a. EESA-001 / 2-39-48133-GSPR)

Top view of AU3575N223(a.k.a. EESA-001 / 2-39-48133-GSPR)

Hidden Menus – Dainippon Screen (DNS) – 80B Track

Below are instructions to get to those easy to forget service menus on the 80B.  If you need functioning parts from a functioning DNS 80B go to and order yours today!  There are from a working track so you can be confident they will work in your tool.

There are two easy to forget Menus on DNS 80B tracks.    One is called the “Hidden Menu” and one is called the “Secret Menu”  Here is how to get there:


1. Hidden Menu

Press Control P

Password: screen    (lowercase)

CNTRL P for hidden menu

CNTRL P for hidden menu

Your should now get this screen:


2. Secret Menu

We don’t have screen shots for this one but it is done during the power up.  As soon as you turn on power, you will see the HIMEM testing and communication checks.  During this time, you press the ‘HELP’ key multiple times.  Do this until  you are taken to the DOS prompt.  That’s right, good old-fashioned DOS.  Be very careful here as you can do all kinds of damage in this mode.


How this helps and if you know of any other tips and tricks for the DNS 80B, email and we will add them to this page.