Novellus/GaSonics PEP-3510 Cluster Misc , 95-3155, 95-0538

This is a story of two Cluster Misc Controller from a Novellus / Gasonics PEP 3510.  There are other Cluster-Misc boxes, but the ones we see frequently from


are the 95-3155 and the 95-0538.  They are identical and work exactly the same…WRONG!!  Check your PEP-3510 to make sure which one you have.  The 95-3155 has a J6 connector called AC Power/PWR Detect.  The 95-0538 does not.  These two boxes are almost identical except if used in place of each other, there can be status errors reported in the tool and it can cause wafers to halt or not run at all.

Check J6 connector on your Cluster Misc Controller

Common error codes due to failure for these boxes are:

“Door won’t close in a reasonable amount of time”
“CC-0520 Cluster Misc-Invalid status data in Left Cooler”
“CC-0810 Cluster Misc-Invalid status data in Right Cassette”
“CC-0710 Cluster Misc-Invalid status data in Left Cassette”
“CC-0620 Cluster Misc-Invalid status data in Right Cooler”
“CC-0616 Cluster Misc-Service error in Right Cooler”

As always, if you think your PEP 3510 or any other Semiconductor tool needs parts, contact


Novellus/GaSonics PEP3510 Process Mini Controllers: 95-3798, 95-3157, 95-0541, 95-0547, 95-3154, 95-0537, 95-2977

The GaSonics PEP3510 ashing and etching system offers two parallel process chambers, each governed by a set of three electronic modules referred to as mini-controllers.  The relevant part numbers for each mini-controller are listed below: 

Miscellaneous: 95-3978, 95-3157, 95-0541
Microwave: 95-0547, 95-3154
Gas Box: 95-0537, 95-2977

Failure of these mini-controllers is frequent and can result in an array of malfunctions including loss of communication, loss of door/lamp/wafer pin control, invalid status errors, and over-reading power output of the microwave. has these mini-controllers currently installed in a fully functional PEP3510.  They are ready to be pulled and shipped to you today.  Head to for your parts needs!

Process Mini Controllers - rear

Process Mini Controllers – front

Process Mini Controllers - rear

Process Mini Controllers – rear







Novellus GaSonics PEP3510

Novellus GaSonics PEP3510

Novellus GaSonics PEP3510

Novellus GaSonics PEP3510